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Rosie Storey

Jemima Forrester
Film, TV and Stage Agent:
Clare Israel

Rosie grew up on a farm in the south of England, and was raised on a diet of Edam cheese, Wendy Cope poems and Joni Mitchell songs. Having been a passionate writer all her life, she left a fifteen-year career working in Big Tech to finish her first novel.

In Dandelion is Dead, Rosie explores truth, lies and personal authenticity in today’s society. She is fascinated by relationship dynamics, the complexities of love and the realities of loss. In her writing, Rosie examines those moments when life can feel a little too real, wonderfully funny, or sometimes – just achingly sad.

Rosie is currently studying a Masters in Creative Writing, specialising in screenwriting and short stories. She lives in Hackney, London, and works as a freelance copywriter and writing coach.