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Lucy Hooft

Stephanie Glencross
Translation Rights Contact:
Sophia Hadjipateras

Lucy has loved books for as long as she can remember – stories of adventure, of weird and wonderful places, and seeing the world through someone else’s eyes.

She joined the Foreign Office straight out of university in search of adventure and new people and places and quickly moved across to the Department for International Development (DFID), where she spent time in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, China and Sierra Leone. She left DFID to go to Jordan to work for Her Majesty Queen Rania, while spending much of her time bumping around the desert in a Land Rover.

After Jordan, she spent several years in a jungle camp in Gabon surrounded by elephants and humpback whales, which is where her female spy thrillers began. They took life as a way to record all the best bits of people she had met and places she had been, with a plot to make them much more exciting. Lucy has always plausibly denied being a spy – but her Sarah Black books were written to show what that life might have been like.

She spent three years in Brisbane, Australia, and another two experiencing culture-shock in the Netherlands during the weirdness of the pandemic and is now enjoying the freedom of living at the end of the world in Lüderitz, Namibia, crafting stories and making films about the adventure of growing giant kelp.


Lucy is working on THE FOOL’S MATE. An espionage novel featuring Sarah Black, set in London, Beijing and Djibouti. Move over Bond…