Kate Carr is such a lucky teenager. Although her mother has left, she is far from neglected at home. The girls at school envy her because her father is such a charmer, the most mesmerizing minister in Edinburgh. The clever new girl, Lydia, envies her most of all. Sometimes, Kate wonders what it would be like to have a mother like Lydias, or even a doting grandmother like stupid Moiras, but she knows what she has is better. She is special; she is Keith Carrs first fruit, his offering. He is training her up in his image, to have It – his special power, the ability to manipulate people. She practices what hes taught her with devastating effect. But a recurrent dream tantalizes Kate. On the night she hosts a sleepover, it comes to her once more and a truth which has long eluded her is revealed. Then nothing can cleanse her world but fire and death.