This is the tale of one man’s journey from the heart of the Roman Empire to a distant, rough-hewn land where warriors delight equally in the sound of the sword and the song of the poet – a world where honour is more important than life itself.
This is Ireland, two thousand years ago.
This is a time for Heroes, a time of battle, boasting , drinking and telling stories, a golden age when myth and history meet and mingle. The court of King Conor throngs with Heroes, but it is the boy Cuchullain, an outsider whose birth is shrouded in mystery, who will grow to be Ireland’s greatest warrior. As he becomes a man, under the guidance of the long-suffering, somewhat curmudgeonly Leary, his friend, confidant, charioteer and narrator of this tale, Cuchullain’s exploits become the stuff of legend. But it is when the armies of the vengeful Queen Maeve stand at the very gates of Emain Macha that Cuchullain – all too aware of his dark destiny – must face his greatest challenge…
Retold as never before, this is a thrilling, timeless tale of heroism and friendship, of love and betrayal, of war and poetry. For this is the story of Cuchullain, the Hound of Ulster.