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Princess In Training

US Publisher: Harcourt Children's Books

“Royalty does not karate-chop.” –Madame Gertrude

Princess Viola is great at skateboarding and karate-chopping, but she’s lousy at the royal wave, walk, and waltz. The king and queen are not pleased. What’s a princess to do? Attend the skill-polishing Camp Princess, of course. In the end, it’s a good thing Viola is made of tougher stuff. Who else will save the day when the green dragon comes along?

Joe Berger’s zippy illustrations use comic book–style panels and show off ZIP! ZUP! ZOOM! sound effects. This sweet, funny picture book is just the ticket for spunky princess-loving girls who can appreciate a glittery book jacket.

Joe Berger has been producing commercial, editorial and book illustration since the early 1990s, and from 2001- 2021 was co-creator...