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The third novel featuring the private eye, Billy Rucker. Billy is approached by Jack Draper, one of the brightest talents in lower league football, aiming to break into the big time but held back by a vicious stalker. Billy and the cocky footballer do not take to each other and Billy refuses to take on his case. Immediately regretting his behaviour, Billy tries to follow Jack and discovers a naked girl on the sofa with multiple stab wounds in the flat Jack has just left. Jack is the prime suspect and his career looks to be in ruins. Despite his personal dislike of the man, Billy is sure Jack is innocent and hired by Jack’s wife sets himself to find the real killer. To make matters worse his best friend Nicky is in trouble. He had let himself get involved with a Maltese syndicate, laundering £250,000 for them at his bar. Now, however the money is missing and if it is not returned then Nicky’s life is in danger. Billy tries to solve both mysteries at once as, meanwhile, his new girlfriend, Shulpa, gets wilder and wilder.