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The New Art of Cooking

UK Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
US Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
It’s true that ‘we eat with our eyes’. This beautiful, clever book provides a fantastic toolkit straight from the world of professional food styling, and it promises to change the way you cook for ever. The recipes in The New Art of Cooking include all the little preparation, cooking and serving details that make a difference to the end result: without even trying you’ll pick up tips that can be applied to the rest of your repertoire.

Recipes include beetroot soup with cream clouds; sticky baked feta with radicchio cups; bittersweet salad with whipped goat’s cheese; pork belly roast with shaken rhubarb; fancy puff-pastry fish pie; chocolate mousse with crushed praline; salted caramel wedding cake; and strawberries and cream ice lollies. From simple workday suppers to indulgent feasts for friends and family, this is an approach that will make your cooking look better than ever and taste wonderful too.

Frankie Unsworth is a London-based food stylist and writer. After studying languages at university, she worked as a writer for...