Following his popular Guardian column on the same subject, The Way Home: Tales from a life without technology will tell the full story of the year that Boyle decided to begin living without any of the conveniences we all take for granted: running water, central heating, electricity and everything it powers, including mobile phones and the internet. After building his own cabin by hand, he has to carry his water from the local spring and he has to grow, fish or forage whatever he wants to eat. What he discovers is a life of hard won joys, governed by the seasons – not an easier life, but one which brings a deep insight into what it means to be human at a time when the boundaries between man and machine are blurring.
There are two books that have shifted my world entirely: Naomi Klein’s ‘This Changes Everything’ and Mark Boyle’s ‘Drinking Molotov Cocktails’ with Gandhi – and of the two, Boyle’s is by far the most affecting. If you care about the planet, about our place on it, about the devastation that is modern western living, you have to read this book. Read it, think on it, act on it. Only by each of us doing this, can we hope to be the change we need to see in the world. It’s terrifying. But it’s the truth. —Manda Scott, Sunday Times best-selling author of Boudica and Rome on Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi
“Intriguing. It makes several very important points. A powerful look not so much into the past as into the future.” Bill McKibben on The Moneyless Man
The fascinating story of an important social experiment, told with humility, insight and great humour. Mark is a brave and big-hearted character whose example is an invitation to all of us to change the way we live – not just because we should, but also because we might enjoy it. Essential, enjoyable reading.”
Chris Cleave – Sunday Times bestselling author of The Other Hand and Guardian columnist on The Moneyless Man
An inspiring meditation on the divisive power of money, which also offers excellent practical suggestions for escaping its grip. —Tom Hodgkinson, Sunday Times bestselling author of How to be Idle on The Moneyless Manifesto