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Nicola Davies, Hannah Stowe, Jackie Morris and Cathy Fisher have been longlisted for the Wainwright Prize

We are so pleased to announce that Skrimsli by Nicola Davies, Move Like Water by Hannah Stowe, and The Panda’s Child by Jackie Morris and Cathy Fisher are on the Wainwright Prize longlists.

The Wainwright Prize was created in Alfred Wainwright’s name to showcase the growing genre of nature-writing in publishing and to celebrate and encourage exploration of the outdoors to all readers. With this year’s longlist, The Wainwright Prize hopes to provide a platform to bring many of the issues covered in the longlist to the forefront of political discourse.

The Panda’s Child and Skrimsli have been longlisted for the Children’s Writing on Nature and Conservation Prize, while Move Like Water has been longlisted for the Writing on Conservation Prize.

On this year’s longlist, the Prize Director Alastair Giles, said: “As we enter The Wainwright Prize’s second decade, the necessity to showcase and celebrate the very best of Nature and Conservation Writing has only strengthened. Although the plight of nature has never been more troubling, we have also witnessed a wave of enthusiasm from readers over the past few years, and we hope that The Wainwright Prize can fulfil its role to motivate people to reconnect with the environment, both physically and intellectually. We can’t wait to find out which books from our 2024 longlists will be shortlisted later this summer before we choose our eventual winners.’

The Prize’s shortlists will be announced on 15th August, and the winners will be announced on Wednesday 11th September at the Camley Street Natural Park.